After India became independent, many developments took place in the country regarding cows. Large-scale cow slaughter began, and cow slaughter was gradually commercialized. As the days went by, the attitude of the farmers towards cows of Indian descent gradually changed and the cow and dairy business became limited. Indian cows began to be used for the sole purpose of the dairy business. This led to the neglect of the science hidden in cows of Indian descent and the huge benefits that come with it. The influence of western ideology increased, Indian culture and the Indian way of life began to disappear. This led to the sale of native cows as useless assets. People became reluctant to raise Indian cattle.
In fact, the diversity of Indian cattle in India is unmatched by any other country. The quality of Indian cow’s milk is far superior to the quality of European animal milk. This has been studied and researched by foreign countries and the side effects of European Holstein and Jersey milk have been announced on the internet. Not only this, but Indian cow’s milk, cow’s urine, curd, buttermilk and Ghee also have unique importance. It has great benefits to human society.
Currently, the Holstein, Jersey cow’s milk business is expanding. Compared to that, the proportion of Indian cows is very low. Considering the quality and other characteristics of Indian cow’s milk, Indian cows need to be used extensively. For this, it is necessary to breed a large number of good Indian cattle.
Cows from Europe, such as the Holstein and Jersey breeds, have spread over the country. This has had a significant negative impact on agriculture. Cow dung and urine from Indian cows were once commonly used in agriculture. It is now nearly extinct, and chemical fertilisers have taken its place. Today, chemical fertilizers and pesticides have to be bought from the market. Farmers cannot afford its increasing, huge cost. Many farmers are leaving the business due to rising input costs.
Along with milk from Indian cows, Gomay and Gomutra are extremely beneficial. It should be studied from a scientific viewpoint. It’s a good thing that whenever an Indian cow is mentioned, it’s associated with Hinduism. No one, however, understands why she is affiliated with a religion. In reality, the cow is associated with not just one religion, but with all human religion. This is backed up by a lot of research. This cow has the ability to alter the entire economic system. This is crucial to comprehend.
Panchgavya refers to the five types of by-products that a cow offers. This Panchagavya has significant environmental and human health benefits.
Cow-based farming has been used in India from ancient times when food was plentiful and life was good. The societal trend was also in the direction of positive. So, as a farmer, take good care of your cows, nurture them, and live a happy life.
The best milking cow breeds from India were brought to Brazil, Denmark and other countries where the people took good care of them and improved the quality of milk so that one cow would produce more than 40 litres of milk per day. If we work like this in the country today, we will not be able to survive in India without the White Revolution.
To get the required amount of rainfall at the required time, regular, occasional yags like Parjanya Yag, Somayag etc. have been designed. This requires a great deal of research. Many experiments have been done in different places and the science needs to reach out to the people
Indian cattle is a great helper in improving the environment and keeping it balanced. The cow carries oxygen for respiration and then releases some oxygen through exhalation. Gomay ash of Indian cow, cow urine is used for purification of land, water, architecture, environment.
In the Vedas, the idea of raising a good cow has been considered very deeply. The body of a cow is good for every living thing. The cow is called ‘mother-like’. Because the importance of the cow will not be easily understood by common people. Murder destroys positivity, destroys iniquity, stops the development of a good society.
The cow is a power plant. Since cows provide the best quality bullocks, the bullock carts can save a lot of petrol, diesel and electricity in the country if they are used for power generation, transportation, running oil extractors and running farm implements. Biogas is also being produced from cow dung.
Spirituality is interrelated with cows. Cow’s milk is called Purnanna. Even today, many yogis live for years by consuming only cow’s milk. That is why the importance of cows along with gods and goddesses as well as sages and yogis has been mentioned before. Consumption of Gomutra and Gomay stabilizes the mind and intellect.
Panchagavya therapy is one of the best medical practices. It needs to be researched in many ways. The World Health Organization says there is no cure for many diseases in modern medicine. Panchagavya has proved to be an effective treatment for such diseases.
According to ancient astrology and the law of karma, man has to suffer the fruits of his own misdeeds, misdeeds and misdeeds through many adversities. However, planets and constellations are used as a medium for this. Since these planets are related to cows, many remedies are said to be related to cows in astrology
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